Join the ELF 100 and Become a Monthly Donor!

Help support the Ed Lally Foundation’s mental health & suicide prevention community outreach by becoming a monthly donor! We are building a family of 100 donors contributing $10 or more each month...
Your Donation Will:
- Support the "Power of Expression" mental health & suicide prevention assembly program for students in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges
- Provide free "Mindful Mental Health" groups and classes to the community, such as our Women's & Mens Groups, Tai Chi for Seniors and Mindfulness for Teachers
- Support our Suicide Loss Support Group's monthly meetings and yearly retreat
- Provide meditation classes and workshops to the recovery community
- Foster new classes and support resources for first responders, trauma victims and other vulnerable populations
Did you know?
According to a large-scale study, co-led by researchers from Harvard Medical School, one out of every two people in the world (half of the world's population!) will develop a mental health disorder in their lifetime. According to the CDC, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34. Increased rumination, increased stress, memory loss, emotional reactivity, and low self-worth are just some of the symptoms associated with mental health disorders like depression and anxiety.
However... per the American Psychological Association, practices of mindfulness (like those taught in our classes, support groups and school assemblies) helps to reduce rumination, decrease stress, boost memory, reduce emotional reactivity, decrease psychological distress and much more! Additionally, the National Institute of Health reports that poor interpersonal relationships significantly contribute to symptoms of depression and anxiety, yet positive interpersonal connection (like that which is encouraged and experienced in our classes, support groups and schools assemblies) can be a breakthrough intervention for depression and anxiety!
With your support, we can expand our mental health & suicide prevention outreach in our community. If you'd like to join the ELF 100 and become a monthly donor, click here to register: ELF Monthly Donation
Thank you for making difference!